Dipartimento di Scienze e tecniche Olistiche
Masterclass with Frans Stiene
“The Inner Teachings of Hatsurei-ho and Hands-on/off Healing”
In this 2 hour master class we will go deep into the aspect of the meditation practice hatsurei-ho and how out of this will flow a deeper understanding and experience of hands on/off healing on ourselves and others. Hatsurei-ho is one of the most essential meditation practices within the system of Reiki and when we practice it correctly it can have a huge benefit, not just on our hands on/off healing but also how we cope with our daily life.
Frans Stiene, the author of many Reiki books has been practicing these inner teachings for more than 20 years.
Come and join him for this 2 hour master class.
Cost of the Masterclass 20 €
After the purchase you will be sent a PDF with the link of connection to the Masterclass.
Teacher M° Frans Stiene
Frans Stiene has been a major influence on global research into the system of Reiki since the early 2000s. His practical understanding of the Japanese influences on the system have allowed students around the world to connect deeply with this practise.
Students naturally respond to Frans’ warmth and intelligence. His own personal spiritual Reiki practise is a model that many students wish to emulate and offers great encouragement to those on the same path.
Contents of the Masterclass
Why Hatsurei ho so important for our daily life and practice
Learn how to practice hatsurei-ho correctly.
How can hatsurei-ho practice help you with hands-on healing
Understand Shinshin Kaizen in conjunction with hands on/off healing
This particular method includes physical and energy enhancing exercises to help practitioners delve deeper into their Reiki practice. The earlier teachings consider the system not just to be a hands-on-healing practice but one that also focuses on a student’s spiritual path.
Frans Stiene
The event was promoted by the AICS Department of Holistic Sciences and Techniques. We also thank
M° Graziano Scarascia for the organization work